Easy to read & packed with lots of good information about getting ready to be ready! Traditional finances are a thing of the past and the biggest hurdle we have is getting past what our parents did for planning. Since everyone has a different “story” this book just opens the door a crack so you can peer in a little. Opened my eyes to how insurance can vary and be your bank during the many phases of your life and not having to always rely on a traditional bank for funds. Thinking outside the traditional boxes of yesterday. Regardless of your age, give it a read.
Wealth By Design
Salvatore P.
Elisabeth gives a sensible and logical approach for retirement and financial independence.
Monica S.
Wealth by Design gives individuals the opportunity to choose to dream big and change their financial destiny no matter what stage of life you are in! This book gives one a comprehensive look into possible holes in financial planning and educates you on learning to invest in yourself! Learn how to customize and personalize your financial plan depending on your financial goals! Find money in unexpected places and let your wealth multiply! Thank you Elisabeth!!
Lola M.
This is a great financial informational booklet. In my opinion, it’s a must have to help get your questions formulated for your professional financial planner.
David C.
Elisabeth’s book gives you an insight how to better manage your finances, how to maximize protection for your loved ones, how to plan for your retirement. The book is a good introduction and easy to follow along.
Bryan D.
Elisabeth does an excellent job of explaining her advisory process and her strategies for retirement planning. Elisabeth’s deep desire to help people with this important topic comes through in every chapter.